We have been fortunate in securing a number of specialists to assist in giving their experiences in dealing with this system, as applied to specialized areas. They have noted certain findings in their research work, and have collected data, and have written for this book such facts as they can corroborate in their daily clinic work as specialists. It is hoped that this little book will be welcomed by those who are students of the human body, as all physicians should be, and that within a few years at the most we can add much to our findings, and record them in a new edition, that will be much larger and more complete. In making the original drawings to illustrate the text, the author has had no precedent, in many instances, and has had to rely upon dis sections and in some instances autopsies. In time we may find that we have only touched this great subject, but we will present as best we can our findings thus far, and only hope that at some future date we may understand more fully a system that deals so directly with diseased conditions, and is so closely allied with all pathological phases. We will try and not cover the ground that anatomists so far have outlined, but will deal as directly as possible with the more important phase namely, the applied anatomy of the lymphatic system.