The Chemical Composition of Apples and Cider —— I. The Composition of Apples in Relation to Cider and Vinegar Production; II. The Composition of Cider as Determined By, Dominant Fermentation With Pure Yeasts


ISBN: 9781332254767 出版年:2016 页码:51 Wm B Alwood R J Davidson Forgotten Books


The station orchards have been described and the character and growth of the varieties sufficiently noted in bulletins Nos. 128 and 130 of the Virginia Station to render further descriptive matter under these heads unnecessary. The samples of fruit for the technical examination were selected from the trees when fully mature and placed in ordinary 10-pound grape baskets. Care was taken to select representative Samples as to variations in Size and to select fruit from all parts of each tree. These samples were labeled as picked and placed in a cool room, or, if nec essary to hold them for analysis, they were placed in Cold storage. AS far as could be determined with such a range of varieties, each one was ground when in the best condition to yield the maximum amount of juice, but in the case of a few varieties the fruit was held until decidedly overripe and mealy, and because of this fact the juice percentage is low in these varieties, which are indicated in Table I.

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