In the Northwest corner Of Wyoming in the heart-of the Rocky Mountains is located Yellowstone National Park. Its boundaries overlap a few miles into Montana On the north and into Idaho and Montana on the west. The res ervation is about 65 miles east and west and 75 miles north and south. NO valley within its limits has an eleva Of less than feet, while many of the mountain peaks within and adjacent to the Park rise from to feet above sea level. Yellowstone Lake, 15 by 20 miles in Size, is the largest body Of water in North America at this altitude Three Of the largest riversin the United States, the missouri,yellowstone and Columbia, have their sourcein Yellowstone Park. The gevsers Of this region out class anything Of the kind in the known world. There are over 50 that throw a column of hot water 30 to 250 feet in the air at Intervals Of one minute to 14 days. The Grand Canyonofthe Yellowstone, 10 miles long with an average depth Of feet, is acknowledged by travelers to be the most brilliantly colored landscape in existence. The Mazim moth Hot Springs are the only Colored terracebuilding hot springs known that have such beauty and magnitude.