----- 英格兰和威尔士的监狱状况
IN order to redrefs this hardfhip, I applied to the jufiices Of the county for a falary to the gaoler in lieu of his fees. The bench were properly affected with the grievance, and willing to grant the relief defired but they wanted a pre cedent for Charging the county with the expence. I there fore rode into feveral neighbouring counties in fearch of a precedent; but I foon learned that the fame injuftice was praétifed in them; and looking into the prifons, I beheld fcenes Of calamity, which I grew daily more and more anxi ous to alleviate. In order therefore to gain a more perfeét knowledge of the particulars and extent of it, by various and accurate Obfervation, I vifited molt of the County — Gaol: in England.