Of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, Who Was Taken by the Indians, in the Year 1755 —— When Only About Twelve Years of Age, and Has Continued to Reside Amongst Them to the Present Time


ISBN: 9781332161119 出版年:2016 页码:180 James E Seaver Forgotten Books


The Peace of 1783, and the consequent cessa tion of Indian hostilities and barbarities, returned to their friends those prisoners who had escaped the tomahawk, the gauntlet, and the savage fire, after their having spent many years in captivity, and restored harmony to society. The stories of Indian cruelties which were com mon in the new settlements, and were calamitous realities previous to that propitious event, slum bered in the minds that had been constantly agitated by them, and were only roused occasion ally, to become the fearful topic of the fireside.

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