An Account of the Life, Writings, and Inventions of John Napier —— Of Merchiston


ISBN: 9781332047468 出版年:2016 页码:152 David Stewart Earl Buchan Forgotten Books


IN the Britiih Mufeum there are two copies of his letter to Anthony Bacon, the original of which, is in the Archbifhop's Library at Lam beth, entitled Secret Inventions, profitable and neceflhry, in thefe days, for the defence of this Ifland, and withftanding {trangers enemies to God's truth and religion, which I have caufed to be printed, in the Appendix to this Traéi. This letter is dated, June 7, 1596 T, about which time it appears, as {hall be lhewn hereafter, that he had fet him felf to explore his Logarithmic Canon.

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