First Days in Number —— A Primer of Arithmetic


ISBN: 9781332012725 出版年:2016 页码:84 Della Vanamburgh Forgotten Books


One of the first essentials in primary education is the ability of the pupil to talk without restraint and in good language. To correlate this phase of development with number work lends interest to the lesson, inspires self-confidence in the pupil, awakens the child mind to the realization of the wonders it is his privilege to explore. Number work is one of the means of the primary teacher by which the natural investigating tendency of the child may be turned into channels where he will make discoveries concerning the truths of nature and the inventions of man.The pictures throughout the book are not in any way designed to take the place of actual objects. Such objects as are attractive and interesting to the pupil are represented. They are familiar to him, and yet they suggest many avenues of study to the skilful teacher.The first few pages are suggestions for conversational work. Objects of life have been chosen because the animal kingdom naturally interests the child mind. Quadruped, biped, bird, fish, and insect are represented. The child is easily led to observe, study, and classify the animals around him. He is interested in observing the many kinds belonging to one class and in studying separately and comparatively their forms, foods, homes, habits, and usefulness. In this work, number appeals incidentally to the mind and little need be said in regard to it.Page 10 represents the inventions of man. The objects suggested should be studied with a purpose of discovering something of their manufacture, the material used, their parts, and their distinctive usefulness.

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