Life of Napoleon

ISBN: 9781331985457 出版年:2016 页码:452 Antoine Henri Jomini Forgotten Books


Louis XVIII. — Difi'erent Forms of government-defects of the Charter of Louis XVIII. — Errors in its Administration — Napoleon's Reasons for returning to France — His Departure from Elba — His Reception in France and March on Lyons — The Bourbons prepare for Defense Decrees Of Lyons — Ney declares for the Emperor — Napoleon resumes his Authority as Emperor — Composition of his Ministry — His Position towards Europe — General Coalition against him — Declaration Of the Congress Of Vienna — Operations of the Duke d'angouléme in the South of France — Troubles in La Vende'e — Ad'airs Of N aples — Preparations to repel Aggression upon France — Motives Of Napoleon's defensive Atti tude — He refuses to adopt revolutionary Measures — The Champ de Mai -opening of the Chambers — Their Addresses — Dogmatic Controversies of the Deputies — Napoleon's Reply — Military Preparations of Napoleon — Preparations Of the Allies — Napoleon's general Plan of Campaign He joins his Army — Plan Of Operations — Opening Of the Campaign Passage of the Sambre, June 15th — Measures Of the Allies — Decisive Movement prescribed to N ey — He delays its Execution — His Delay in marching on quatre-bras — Reconnoissance Of the Position of the Prus sians — Dispositions for forcing their Position — Battle of Ligny — Ney repulsed at quatre-bras — Position Of Affairs on the Morning of the Sev enteenth — Grouchy sent in Pursuit Of the Prussians — The Reserves and Left Wing march against the English — Commencement Of the Battle of Waterloo — First Appearance of the Prussians — Napoleon hastens the Attack on the English — Ney's first Attack on the Centre — Attack Of the Left on Hougomont — Ney's second Attack — Bulow debouches on Planchenois — General Charge Of the French Cavalry — Arrival of Blucher and Bulow — Wellington's Dispositions — Defeat Of the French Right Last Efforts and Rout of the French Army — Operations Of Grouchy Manoeuvres of the Allies — The French retreat on Avesnes — Napoleon's Return to Paris — Military Resources Of France — Conspiracies Of Napo leon's Adversaries — Dispositions Of the Populace — Napoleon's second Abdication — He retires from France — He is exiled to St. Helena — His34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

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