Lunar and Time Tables, Adapted to New, Short, and Accurate Methods for Finding the Longitude by Chronometers and Lunar Distances —— Including Methods of Applying Corrections to a Lunar Distance for the Spheroidal Figure of the Earth, the Apparent Elliptical Forms of the Sun and Moon, and for the Temperature and Density of the Atmosphere

----- 月球和时间表,适用于通过计时器和月球距离查找经度的新的,简短的和准确的方法

ISBN: 9781331974857 出版年:2016 页码:231 James Gordon Forgotten Books


Mathematicians of the highest celebrity, and found to be correct. Second, that Captain Thomson's Tables cannot give correct results in all cases may be thus proved. The third correction depends upon the parallax of the Moon, whereas the changes in this element are entirely neglected in Thomson's Tables.

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