In respeét to the illustrations of these final pages, special difficulties, not unforeseen, have had to be encountered. Archi teéture, Painting, or Sculpture can secure better representation in a volume of this size than can be Obtained for the art of Engraving. The reproduétion of an engraving, even by a costly process in skilled hands, is always unsatisfactory unless carried out on the same scale as the original. Of a necessity the texture of the execution is confused by reduétion the lines, crosslines, hatchings and stipplings run together and are choked in each other so that what should be a luminous expression of form becomes a meaning less pond Of ink. AS far as possible, therefore, examples have been seleéted that could be given of their full Size. Yet in spite Of the friendly help of M. Bouchot and his staff at the Cabinet des Estampes, the equally kind services of my friends Of the Gazette des Beaux Arts and the counsels of that distinguished engraver.