The Rhetorical Principles of Narration

ISBN: 9781331918493 出版年:2016 页码:294 Carroll Lewis Maxcy Forgotten Books


Creasy: Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Macaulay: chap. I of the History of Eng land. Prescott: Conquest of Peru. Lockhart: Life of Scott. Morley: English Men of Letters. Palmer: Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Allen: The Choir Invisible. Dickens: Hard Times; Barnaby Rudge. Eliot: Adam Bede. Hardy: Far from the M adding Crowd; The Return of the Native. Trollope: Barchester Towers. Aldrich: Marjorie Daw. Allen: Flute and Violin. Anstey: The Black Poodle. Balzac: A Passion of the Desert. La Grande Breteche. Bunner: A Sisterly Scheme. Dickens: A Child's Dream of a Star. Freeman: A New England Nun. The Revolt of Mother. Garland: Up the Coolly. Hardy: The Withered Arm. The Three Strangers. The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion. Harte: The Outcasts of Poker Flat. Tennessee's Partner. Hawthorne: The Great Stone Face. The Birthmark. Hewlett: Madonna of the Peach Tree. Hope (hawkins): The Dolly Dialogues (selections) Irving: Rip Van Winkle. Kipling: The Man who would be King.

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