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Cotton and Wool

ISBN: 9781331892854 出版年:2016 页码:282 J S M Ward Forgotten Books


States, which goes up, as shown in this book, by leaps and bounds. In a few years from now. In my opinion, we shall be face to face with a shortage Of so serious a nature, that in the general scramble for Cotton, many will be left out in the cold, operatives will be thrown out Of employment, and the present abnormally high prices Of all cotton goods will not only continue but will very possibly go still higher. It is futile to hide one's head in the sand, and trust that all will be well in the end. It behoves us rather to be up and doing without delay. This book deals so completely with the whole question that any further words Of mine would be superfluous, except perhaps to add how much I appreciate the way the author has handled the subject, and how sincerely I trust that the Cotton world will not only carefully read and digest the book but will be prepared afterwards to take part in any well-considered scheme to increase our supplies.

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