Every Man His Own Guide at Niagara Falls, Without the Necessity of Inquiry or Possibility of Mistake; Including the Sources of Niagara, and All Places of Interest, Both on the American and Canada Side —— Embellished With Views of the Falls and Suspension Bridge, by the Best Artist, and a Large Map of Niagara River by the Author


ISBN: 9781331875932 出版年:2016 页码:159 F H Johnson Forgotten Books


In the visitor stops at the Cataract House, and wishes in the first place to view the scenery on Goat Island, take the first left hand street, two minutes walk brings him to the badge that leads to the island. If at the Falls Hotel, pass the Buffalo and Niagara Falls railroad depot, incline to the left, the bridge leading over the rapids is in sight, and but a few rods before you. If at the St. Lawrence Hotel, or the Niagara House, pass up Main, take the that right hand street, pass the depot, incline as above to the left, the bridge is just before you. I l) e 3} r i 0 g a Leading to the toll — gate, on Bath Island, is about fifty rods above the Falls. It is an Object of interest.

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