While it was a leading object to becbmc acquainted with the situation of the remote Indian tribes, and their disposi tion in regard to teachers of Christianity, yet a careful at tention was given to the geography of the country, with its productions; the climate and seasons, animals, lakes, rivers, and smaller fountains forests and prairies, mountains and valleys, its mineral and geol'ogical' structure, and all the va rious aspects of 'its physical condition. The country here described is sui generis every thing is formed on a large scale. Its lofty and perpetual snow-topped mountains rising feet or more above the ocean, the trees of the forest, the widely extended prairies, plants of enormous growth, and the results of volcanic agency which are met within almost every direction, render the whole an ever increasing scene of interest to the traveler; and if any statements appear large, it is because the facts are so in themselves.