----- 奴隶制与美国国内奴隶贸易
The American Union for the Relief and Im provement of the Colored Race, was formed in Boston, in January, 1835. An exposition of the principles and plans of the Union was soon after published by the Executive Committee. One of the principal objects of the Society, as stated in that paper, is to collect and publish information of an authentic character respect ing Slavery. It is conceived that there is yet no inconsiderable dearth of well-prepared and trust-worthy facts respecting this great national evil. It is obvious that it cannot be peacefully removed, except as it is seen in its true light. It is in prosecution of this great branch of their labors, that the Committee present thefollowing Report concerning Slavery and the domestic slave-trade as it exists in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Coming, as it does, from a gentleman who is well acquainted with the whole subject of Slavery, from an actual residence of a number of years in a slave-holding state, it will be read with much interest and profit. It gives, in the opinion of the Committee, an accurate account of Slavery, and of the public sentiment respect ing it in the district of country visited. As such, it is respectfully commended to the atten tion of all the friends of the African race.