After these Spanish cities the next great centre was Rome. To mention every one there to whom I am indebted for help and encouragement would be an endless task. The con sideration shown me by their Eminences, Cardinal Falconio, formerly Apostolic Delegate to the United States, and Cardinal Gotti, the Prefect Of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide the assistance given me by the late Rector Of the English College, the Right Rev. Bishop Giles, and by Monsignor Cronin, D.D.; by Monsignor Laurenti, the Secretary of Propaganda, and his able archivist, Canon Semadini; the valuable direction I received from Father Ehrle, s.j., the Librarian Of the Vatican Library; from Monsignor Ugolini, the Archivist of the Vatican Archives, and from Monsignor de Waal, the Rector of Campo Santo dei Tedeschi and the fatherly interest taken in my work by the Right Rev. Bishop Kennedy, Rector Of the American College — to mention these names is to mention only'a few to whom I shall ever be grateful.