Old Florence and Modern Tuscany

ISBN: 9781331756781 出版年:2016 页码:276 Janet Ross Forgotten Books


Some may think my pictures of the Tuscan peasants flattering and highly coloured. I can only say that I have lived among them for thirty-four years, and that nowhere does the golden rule, DO as you would be done by, hold good so much as in Italy.


Wish there was more information of past to current locations as well as some building pictures for additional information. But still book provided good information

MA Stolz

printing incredibly small. Maps are good.


This reprint of a book written over 100 years ago is excellent, large enough print to read easily. Janet Ross ' observations of Old Florence and Modern Tuscany are well written with great voice. Ross is a fascinating person and having read A Castle in Tuscany: The Fascinating Life of Janet Ross by Sarah Benjamin, I have been curious to read some of Ross's books. Anyone interested in Tuscan history at the end of the 19th century will find these a great read. My Italian friends who live in Tuscany have also enjoyed these books and we have visited several of the locales described in these books.
