In order to make the book easy to consult at a moment's notice, a sys tem of classification has been adopted, intelligible at a glance and uniform throughout the volume. It will be seen at once that the field of search for any particular structure or place of interest is thus greatly narrowed; and the quest is further facilitated by distinguishing the Object described from the description of it and from the rest of the text, by putting it either in italics or in black letters. N O mention is made of anything which is not thought worth the traveler's attention; but there are degrees of attractive ness even among noteworthy things, and this it is attempted to indicate by the relative typographical prominence accorded them. The Objects and places whose names are printed in black letters are thus a selection from a selection or, to put it dogmatically, they indicate what must be seen as distinguished from what may be seen when time and disposition are pro pitious. The illustrations follow the general line of the text, and have been selected with an eye rather to utility than to ornament. It is believed, however, that, as a whole, they will afford an adequate and trustworthy idea of American city architecture, and, in a lesser degree, of American scenery and engineering achievements. Much care has been taken to make the hand book accurate and fully up to date in its information; but in dealing with so many and diverse facts it is probable that some errors have crept in, and that there are some omissions. The book will be kept standing in type and subjected to a thorough annual revision, and the editor will be grateful for any corrections or suggestions. Communications should be addressed to the editor OF appletons' hand book OF american cities, care of D. Appleton CC.