Hermann Von Helmholtz

ISBN: 9781331523796 出版年:2016 页码:465 Leo Koenigsberger Forgotten Books


Measurements of the time-relations in the Contraction of Animal Muscles, and Rate of Propagation of the Exci tatory Process in Nerve. Mz'tller's Arch.

Retired Engineer

This biography opens the window to the history of discovery through the life of this nineteenth century scientist. Note however that it was translated to English and published in 1906. Helmholtz's work is therefore presented through the lens of the turn of a distance century. This leaves today's reader with questions concerning the science and conclusions drawn from Helmholtz's work which was done in the last half of the 1800's. That having been said, we recommend that Helmholtz's life, his contributions, and his interaction with contemporaries worth the reader's attention.
