Self Defense —— For the Individual


ISBN: 9781331382171 出版年:2016 页码:19 Billy C Sandow Forgotten Books


It is possible to break an opponent's leg by a quick ground throw. This is a great weapon of attack from a standing position, and is the best defense for all front attacks.

J. Sullivan

While the material in it is fine, I can't say the same about the quality of the Kindle edition. Mangled text, images cut in half, poor editing. Even for 0.99 cents I can't recommend this. Get the paperback edition instead. As for me, I'm deleting this from my kindle library.

Zero One

Famed wrestling promoter Billy Sandow, famed manager of Ed "Strangler" Lewis and innovator of the modern pro-wrestling industry offers stripped down catch wrestling for combatives and self-defense.During World War I, he taught an early combatives course at Ft. Dix, N.J. He edited the original manual for civilian purposes. I've been unsuccessful in tracking down the earlier document. But there's much available in Sandow's brief book, which should interest martial artists, combatives practitioners, catch wrestlers, pro-wrestling fans and those with general interest in grappling. Hint: It's also available free in the public domain.Sandow introduces wrestling as the answer to hand-to-hand fighting and, like the thoughtful athlete and staunch promoter he was, begins with a feud against boxing. Sandow views bayonet fighting as the only applicable use of boxing training in combat. He offers a naturalistic and basic curriculum, complete with catch-wrestling leg hooks and scissors takedowns. Sandow used to promote mixed-rules matches, which didn't come to fruition, in which he sought to pit Lewis against heavyweight champions such as Jess Willard and Jack Dempsey. The potential match-ups did, however, rally publicity for Sandow and Lewis.The captions are important in this book. The pictures -- though clear for a book from this period -- don't always show the full sequence of movements. Some early moves reference later techniques. You get staples such as the "flying mare." To execute, one holds the opponent's arm over the shoulder to flip him, similar to Judo. However, the opponent's arm is twisted to face it palm up. The resulting throw is more of a slam, landing a rival on his face and possibly dislocating his shoulder. Sandow's leg scissors and other sweeps from the ground, one of which resembles a baseball slide, aren't complex. One technique looks like a precursor to W.E. Fairbairn's chin jab, though it uses an elbow overhook ("wing lock") and a hip throw instead of the arm-around-the-back approach. I may prefer it because an over hook sets up good insight fighting opportunities and the elbow lock immobilizes the arm. Sandow also offers a few strangulations with the bare hands that are fairly horrific; even Sandow's guillotine choke has a hand curling up to crush the throat. The rest consists of strangles, takedowns, slams, and tricks for an anything goes fighting style. The kinetics are logical: Opponents rushing each other in a melee, using the opponent's weight and velocity to throw him. Sweeps to fell a standing opponent.There's an interesting historical progression at work. Even with all of the technological advancements of World War I, close-range combat and trench raiding played such a large role that hand-to-hand fighting methods again came to the fore. Japanese jiu-jitsu, which had been employed with effect during the 1905 Russo-Japanese War, saw its first Western battlefield implementation. French Savate, wrestling and boxing, modernized bayonet fighting, and -- in Italy's case -- Renaissance-era methods supported quick training of large groups of men and elite trench raiders. If you're fortunate enough to go to Austria's military museum or Britain's inimitable Imperial War Museum, among other venues, you can see the trench clubs. There's something disturbing about seeing machined, planed, and riveted versions of 12th century war clubs.Back to Sandow: He acknowledged that grappling often is inevitable in life-and-death struggles and offers some bare-bones catch wrestling techniques to counter grabs and body locks. He operates from basic wrestling theory -- and common sense -- that superior position allows one to prevail, and that superior position entails getting behind an opponent to go to work.Further reading: "Hand-to-Hand Fighting" by A.E. Marriott for another classic World War I combatives manual, which actually looks more like the Fairbairn-Applegate-O'Neill-Sykes et al. manuals from World War II. Anything from the Sandow-Lewis Library if you're interested in catch wrestling. Kirk Lawson's page on Lulu(dot)com for old-time wrestling manuals. For a World War II grappling syllabus, grab Bernard Cosneck's "American Combat Judo," filled with neck cranks and slams. See YouTube for "U.S. Army's Basic Hand to Hand Fighting of World War I," a 9-minute silent film depicting bayonet training, boxing (with Welshman Jim Driscoll), wrestling and jiu-jitsu -- including grappling in full gear, gas masks, and for crawling across No Man's Land between the trenches. Set the video to slower speed through your browser.
