EW secondary schools offer courses in debate, and in consideration of this fact the present volume has been prepared. It is hoped that it will be of service to those who wish to engage in public discussion and yet who are unable to secure the advantages of special training. The theoretical side of the subject and its technical di visions, except those germane to the construction of debate, have been purposely avoided, and the suggestions and ex amples given are largely based on the personal experiences of the author. The foremost object has been to present a book that will be useful to the pupil in the high school. To that end every reference in each bibliography has been evaluated, and citations to periodicals that are not available to the average library have been intentionally omitted. There is nothing more exasperating and disheartening to a debater than to have in his possession a large number of references to which he does not have access. With each question, however, bibliography sufficient for a thorough discussion has been included.