The History and Description of Colchester —— The Camulodunum of the Britans, and the First Roman Colony in Britain,; With an Account of the Antiquities of That Most Ancient Borough


ISBN: 9781331238232 出版年:2016 页码:298 Forgotten Books


Ihare. But that this mutt have been a fitua tion confiderable to the Roman people, if not to the Britifh, is clearly evident: for the earth daily brings forth the molt incontefiable proofs of its antient inhabitants. Urns, pavements and coins are hourly turned Up by the plough or fpade, wherever the eye is di reé'ted Rome prefents itfclf, and the ramparts and valt intrenchments which extend even to the fea, bear unfeigned tel'timony of antient grandeur: The habitations of men, during the early ages of pal'toral fimplicity, were chofe where the few wants of nature could be molt abun dantly fupplied. Hence they wandered where ever the beauty of the fcene caught their eye, and the lhelter of the wood and drynefs of the foil made comfortable their temporary dwellings. Having no other enemy than the elements, or any dangers to fear, but what might arife from the incurfions ofwild beafts.

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