During twenty years I worked to deliver myself from what I retained of my education I read books, not so much to learn as to efface from my memory the ideas which had been thrust upon it. It is only during the last fifteen years that I have really worked for the purpose of learning; but I have never found any one to teach me what I wanted to know. I have had to be my own master, and in a way to educate myself. I make notes in which I formulate my thoughts as they arise; I return three or four times to the same question, adding correo tions which amplify the original, and sometimes even transform it from top to bottom I only stop when I have exhausted the reserve of ideas stirred up by recent reading. This work is very difficult for me; that is Why I like to take as my subject the discussion of a book by a good author: I can then arrange my thoughts more easily than when I am left to my own unaided efforts.