A Manual of Weeds —— With Descriptions of All the Most Pernicious and Troublesome Plants in the United States and Canada, Their Habits of Growth and Distribution, With Methods of Control


ISBN: 9781331129059 出版年:2016 页码:606 Ada E Georgia Forgotten Books


Nature is the great farmer. Continually she sows and reaps, making all the forces of the universe her tools and helpers. The sun's rays, wind, rain, frost and snow, insects and birds, animals small and great, even to the humble burrowing worms of the earth, all work mightily for her and a harvest of some kind is absolutely sure. And to the people who must wrest a living from the soil, not only for themselves but for all mankind besides, it must seem that Nature's favorites are the hardy, aggressive, and often useless and harmful plants which they have named weeds. Yet, when man interferes with the Great Mother's plans and insists that the crops shall be only such as may benefit and enrich himself, she seems to yield a willing obedience, and under his guid ance does immensely better work than when uncontrolled. But Dame Nature is an eye-servant only by the sternest determina tion and the most unrelam'ng vigilance can her fellow-worker subdue the earth to his will and fulfill the destiny foreshadowed in that primal blessing, so sadly disguised and misnamed, when the first man was told, Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat of the herb of the field. A stern decree. But the civilization of the peoples of the earth is measured by the forward state of their agriculture; and agriculture in its simplest terms is the compelling of the soil to yield only such products as shall conduce to the welfare of the people who live upon it. It resolves itself into a contest with nature as to what plants shall be permitted to grow, and the discovery of the easiest, surest, and most economical means of securing a victory in the strife.

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