Some other basic principles of this first code, such} as that of_marriage may1not at first sight appear to be socialistic in the above described sense. Sharp. C'riticism was levelled against the measure for the registration of marriages under the Soviet regime: registration of marriages, officialisation pf marriages, what land of socialism was this, our critics told us. No registration was needed It is true that in a socialistic state, using the words of Ka'utsky, (vide p.. 255 German edition of his »multiplication and development in nature and in society») »the legalised forging together of anan and woman» is quite out of place. But this deals with the permanently established socialistic form' of the state. And we are passing through a period of transition. And it is in fact here that the meaning of what we said above becomes plain, namely, that at first sight a radical 'desire to take a clean jump into the future may in fact be a standing at the same old place or even a step backward.