The Story of Purton —— A Collection of Notes and Hearsay

----- 普顿的故事

ISBN: 9781331023241 出版年:2016 页码:157 Ethel M Richardson Forgotten Books


I was also fortunate in having had talks with our late Vicar, and from him received valuable notes and newspaper cuttings. My thanks are also due to Mrs. Story-maskelyne, Miss Maud Prower, Mrs. Atkinson, and Miss Walsh, and to Canon Livingstone, Canon Manley, the Rev. R. B. Harrison, Mr. Josiah Haskins, Mr. Wilding and Mr. Frank Kempster. Mr. Lee Osborn assisted me in the Clarendon Chapter; and I must not conclude without my husband's name, who gave me much sympathy and encouragement in my task.

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