Events in the Near East, which have brought the Servian people prominently to the attention of the world, and the trusteeship laid upon them by destiny as guardians of the chief strategic position in the Balkan Peninsula and keepers of the great gate way between Europe and the Orient, make it de sirable to set forth more fully than has hitherto been done in the English language some account of their place among peoples, considered in regard to their physical characteristics, their manner of life, their ideas, customs, beliefs, traditions, and ambitions, their culture, their songs, their battles, the interest ing geographical situation of their country, and their relation politically to the other nations of Europe. An opinion can be formed regarding the future actions and general worth to human society of a man or a nation by his or its past conduct and achieve ments, and so the only fair basis of judgment con cerning the Servian people must rest upon some knowledge of their past actions and the institutions in which during the centuries they have embodied their ideals and their will.