The Lady With the Camelias

ISBN: 9781330968680 出版年:2016 页码:257 Alexandre Dumas Forgotten Books


I have always considered that, to create imaginary personages, one must have deeply studied mankind as, in order to speak a language, it is necessary to have learned it with care. Not having yet attained the age of invention, I content myself with simple narration. I beg the reader, therefore, to believe in the reality of the present story, of which all the characters, except the heroine, are actually living at this moment. There are also, in Paris, witnesses of the greater part of the facts which I have placed on record and their testimony can be added to my own, should the latter be deemed insufficient. Owing, however, to an accidental and personal circumstance, I am the only possessor of the essentials for writing this narrative; because, to me alone were confided those final details, Without which it would be impossible to render the tale either inter esting or complete.

Denise Desrochers

This book is fantastic and very much worth the read, but this kindle format is terrible for the amount that I paid for it. It should be reformatted.

Krystal Linder

My favorite classic! I've read it over 40 times in my life and I cry every time!

Caroline Birch

I had not read this book before, and really enjoyed it; a good length and an engaging plot. I bought the classic reprint version simply because it seemed to be one of the cheapest paperbacks, and actually found it to be quite a nice presentation. The pages seem to have been scanned from the original (so it has some old fashioned charm) but also enlarged and enhanced (so it is pretty easy to read).

Eva Stafford

I have my doubts about the classic reprint. It seemed more like a terrible internet translation. To be banned because the original book is written in a beautiful French and has cetainly been translated in an infinitely better version.
