The eyes of thinking people are now turned to the great struggle in Eastern Europe for the supremacy of the Bosphorus, and to the effort of the Slavonic races of the Danube to throw off the Turkish yoke. The desire of the Russians to possess themselves of Constantinople is as old as the nation itself. It has its origin, not in political ambition only, but in a determination to rescue from infidel bondage their brothers of the Slavonic race and of the Orthodox Church. The posi tion of the Russian Christians under the Tartar domination was very like the present position of the Christians in Turkey. For some time after the conquest, Russia was ruled as Bulgaria is now; then she obtained her rights and powers similar to those of Servia and Rou mania at the present day; and ultimately she gained complete inde pendence. Thus the Russians long formed the vanguard in the cause of Slavonic emancipation. They were the first of the Slavonic people to fall under the Tartar yoke, and the first to emancipate themselves. This they have not forgotten; and we cannot wonder that they should now sympathize with those kindred races which are striving to follow their example.