Regarded in reference to religion it may be noted that the great majority of the inhabitants of asia-minor are Moslems, while those inhabiting European Turkey are mostly Christians. Diversity in race and religion and the long-enduring traditions of ancient peoples make up a population which is a singular medley. The Sultan rules over a number of peoples with varying aims and usually with opposing interests. Even before the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, the influx of foreign pe0p1es was greater than the empire could absorb so as to make them its loyal subjects. After the conquest, the difficulties of welding the various elements of the population into a nation with common aspirations were enormously increased by the Islamism of the conquering race. Indeed, with the exception of certain spasmodic efforts to unify the races into one people, no serious attempt was ever made to do so. It is of these various peoples that I propose to write. Most of them have ideals to which they consciously or um consciously endeavour to attain. Knowing their efforts.