----- 玛丽亚美利的生活,法国最后的女王
Reign of Ferdinando IV. And Maria Carolina, parents of Marie Amelie, Queen of the French. IT would be difficult to find in history a royal lady whose life is fuller of interest than that of Marie Amelie, last Queen of the French, on account of the varied scenes through which she passed, and her connection with So many personages who played an important part in the history of Europe in the eight eenth and beginning of nineteenth century. She was in fact a link between the old regime and the modern world. Yet while the name of her pre decessor Marie Antoinette (the last to bear the title of Queen of France, as distinct from Queen of the French, assumed by the later occupant of the French throne) is a household word all over the world, few of the general public have a clear idea of who Marie Amelie was, or when She lived.