Specimens of Bushman Folklore

ISBN: 9781330869642 出版年:2016 页码:613 W H I Bleek Forgotten Books


In the spelling of the native text in the volume now completed, various irregularities will be Observed. These have their source chiefly in two causes. One of these was the endeavour always to write down, as nearly as possible, the sounds heard at the time; the other, that Dr. Blech's orthography was of a more scientific kind than that Of the other collector, whose ear had been mainly accustomed to English sounds. In a few instances, the new lines in the native text and translation do not correspond; as the Bushman and English proofs had Often to be sent over separately to Germany for correction. The corresponding marginal numbers, by the side of the native texts and the translation (which refer to the pages in the original manuscripts), will, it is hoped, be of material assistance to those wishing to study the Bushman language from this volume.

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