Local history has an appeal not easily found in works covering a larger sphere. In this book an effort has been made so to present the subject as to lead the pupil to a better understanding of our national history. Hence special emphasis has been laid upon the various incidents in the life of the nation which have taken place in Pennsylvania. To make these relations clear to the pupil it has often been necessary to mention events which have occurred in other states. This plan has been followed in the hope that this book may be used as an introduction to, and in connection with, a study of the history of the United States. In the arrangement of materials, the topical method of treat ment has been employed. This has occasionally brought events out of their chronological order. This was done to make the relation of events clear to pupils. In addition it was thought that detached descriptions of incidents have a tendency to form the bad habit of committing history to memory, whereas a logical arrangement encourages a correct method of study.