----- 远东的掌控:韩国转型的故事与日本在东方的霸权
The problems that centre in the Far East had assumed large proportions before the outbreak of the European War in 1914. Since then they have attained a magnitude that renders them of even more profound significance to the world. A new alignment of races is developing. I have discussed in other volumes the relations of China and the Philippine Islands to this movement, and I now turn to Korea and Japan. The general idea of this book is that the Korean Peninsula is the strategic point in the mastery of the Far East. I, therefore, first describe the country and people, and then discuss the struggle between China and Japan for the possession of Korea, and its culmination in the china-japan War; the diplomatic and military struggle between Russia and Japan for the coveted prize, and its culmination in the russia-japan War; the supremacy in the Far East that Japan won by her victory in that mem orable conflict the policies and methods of Japan in govern ing a subject people; the characteristics of Japan as the Imperial Power in Asia and a world-power of the first mag nitude; and the place and influence of Christian missions as one of the most potent of the enlightening and recon structive forces which are operating in the Far East and which hold the promise of a better world order.