The rapid growth and prosperity Of our Catholic Colonies in Minnesota, more than keeping pace with the healthy growth and general prosperity of the State, make it necessary for the Catholic Colonization Bureau to continually revise, alter, and supplement the information it has already published for the benefit of intending immigrants. We wish to emphasize these words intending immi grants, for we have no desire that those with comfortable, respectable homes already, should break up those homes and come west, influenced to do so by the truthful information we have undertaken the grave responsibility of giving for the benefit Of the struggling, industrious many, who have no such homes nor any prospect of securing them in their present employments and locations. When persons of ample means, influenced by circumstances applicable to individual cases, come to us and take farms in any of our colonies, (we have such,) we welcome them, and rejoice when they tell us that they are well satisfied with. The change; but we caution people, rich and poor alike, from making imaginary fancy pictures from the facts we lay before them.