This Concise Dante Dictionary, based upon my Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante, which, originally published in 1898, has now for some time been out of print, is offered to students and readers of Dante as a convenient hand-book, and companion to the Oxford edition of the complete works of Dante.The articles have been carefully revised, and, it is hoped, brought up to date, throughout. A certain number of new articles have been added, comprising the names of persons and places mentioned in the tenzone, or poetical correspondence, between Dante and Forese Donati (which was included for the first time in the third edition of the Oxford Dante), and in the Latin poems addressed to Dante by Giovanni del Virgilio, On the other hand, the names which occur in the canzone, 'O patria, degna di trionfal fama' (Canz. XVIII in the Oxford Dante), have been omitted, it having, been established that this poem is not by Dante.