Many helpful Works have been written on the render ing of English into Latin. Some of them are of altogether exceptional merit, such as Professor J. P. Postgate's Sermo Latinas (macmillan), Professor H. Nettleship's Passages for Translation into Latin Prose, with an Introduction (bell), and Professor W. R. Hardie's Latin Prose Composition (arnold). But on the reverse task, the rendering of Latin into English, much less has been written. Any such consummate treatment of the subject as has recently been provided for French by Dr. R. L. Graeme Ritchie and Mr. James M. Moore2 does not appear to exist. Nor can the attempt to provide it be made in a few pages. All that can be expected here is some hints derived from personal struggles with the task and from considerable experience both as a teacher of Latin and as an examiner of school and university exercises.