United States, because the execut1ve, (that is, the king 1n the former and the president 111the' latter;) is more fixed, the terms of longer duration and the order of succession more natural and easy. By that form of government, party dissensions and sectional prejudices are, in a great meas are, eluded, and the true patriot as it were, to the lung as the person Ordained by fate to govern the nation, and considers it his dirty to love and' honor him, whether he be able'o ih'ibecile, through his country, and to 'serve it through him. If, however, Some republican form (if government could be devised, 'which would secure to the people the election of members of Congress, and at the same time provide against the evils of party, general and frequent elections: of the Préfs1dent, as well as those arising occa sionally from the imbecility of hereditary s'over eighs, it Would approach somewhat nearer to perfection.