Underneath the canvas jackets any woolen under wear can be put on, most players wearing knit jerseys. As mentioned above, there are two or three players who can, to advantage, go without the regula tion canvas jacket and wear a jersey in its place. These are, first, the quarter-back, and sometimes the centre rush or snap-back, and finally, the full-back, if he be a kicking full-back only, that is, one who does not attempt to do any running. The team of eleven men is usually divided into seven rushers or forwards, who stand in a line facing their seven opponents a quarter-back, who stands just behind this line two half-backs, a few yards behind the quarter-back and finally, a full-back or goal-tend, who stands a dozen yards or so behind the half-backs. This gives the general formation but is, of course, dependent. Upon the plays to be executed.