Mineral Industry for 1896, Vol. V. Authentic information on the subject of tin smelting is somewhat scarce, and as the above-mentioned volume of Mineral Industry has long been out of print, it was decided to issue the mono graph as a separate work, incorporating in it as much recent information on the subject as was obtainable. The small amount of new matter is due to two reasons: firstly, the unprogressive character of tin smelting, which continues from decade to decade with comparatively little change, and, secondly, the profound degree of secrecy observed by tin smelters, who are extremelv anxious to keep to themselves any modifications or improvements in the processes of tin smelting. To What extent those two facts, the slow advance of the industry and the secretive habits of those engaged in it, are related as effect and cause, may be left to the judgment of the reader. Henry louis.