The Panama Canal and Its Makers

ISBN: 9781330526385 出版年:2016 页码:255 Vaughan Cornish Forgotten Books


And information in connection with my study of the Panama Canal, and Wish to thank particularly His Excellency the Rt. Hon. James Bryce, the Rt. Hon. Lord Ave bury, Mr. Claude Mallet, Colonel George E. Church, Colonel George W. Goe thals, chairman of the Isthmian Canal Com mission, and his colleagues, Colonel W. C. Gorgas, M.D., Major D. D. Gaillard, Major William L. Sibert, Mr. Jackson Smith, and Mr. Bucklin Bishop. Also Major Chester Harding, Mr. Arango, Mr. G. R. Shantou, Chief of Police, Mr. William Gerig (formerly in charge Of the Gatun Dam), Mr. Mason W. Mitchell, and Mr. Tracy Robinson.

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