A consideration of these and many other similar publica tions seems to show that a single work, re-examining Aristotle's statements, as far as possible by first-hand investigations, and utilizing the results attained by the above-mentioned and other scholars, would fill a gap in Aristotelian literature. The present work is intended to do this, and represents the nature and value of Aristotle's researches in subjects now considered to belong to physical astronomy, meteorology, physical geography, physics, chemistry, geology, botany, anatomy, physiology, embryo logy, and zoology. In those parts of the work relating to his anatomical, embryological, and zoological researches, I have tested his statements, whenever possible, by means of actual dissections of the parts of, and observations on, the animals to which he seems to refer. Throughout this work full references are given to all passages from ancient and modern writers cited. It is hoped that these references will be sufficient to enable the reader to form his own estimate of the statements made or Opinions expressed in the course of the work.