----- Amurru
To my colleagues, Professor J. A. Montgomery and Pro f essor Morris J astrow, Jr., I am deeply grateful for their generous help and encouragement during the preparation of this book. And I also extend my hearty thanks for the kind assistance rendered by my friends, Professor G. A. Barton, of Bryn Mawr Professor W. Max Muller, of Phila delphia; Professor Arthur Ungnad, Of Jena; the Rev. Dr. C. H. W. Johns, Fellow at Cambridge University; Dr. Hermann Ranke, of Berlin; Dr. Arno Poebel, of Eisenach; and Dr. William Hayes Ward, of New York. To all it gives me pleasure to acknowledge my indebted ness and extend my warm gratitude. Let me add, in mentioning the names of these scholars, that they are in no wise responsible for the views expressed in these lectures.