Another vellow Journal of London (the Daily press) trotted out another cock-and-bull story, to explain away the mystery connected with mv exile, and charged me with having intrigued with the Amir of Kabul for the overthrow of the British Raj in India. The charge'beinga tissue of lies and absolutely unfounded, an attempt was made, even before my release, to start legal proceedings against the Daily A lawyer friend (the Hon'ble Mr. Dixit of Bombay) addressed a letter to me at Mandalay, asking for authority to proceed against the paper on my behalf, in a Court of Law. This communication was, however, intercepted and the attempt frustrated by Government. On my release, however, my lawyers (messrs. Dhupendro Nath Bose and Company, of Calcutta) have served the Pro prietor, the Publisher and the Editor of the Daily Express with a notice calling upon them to retract the libellous statements made in their paper and make proper amends, failing which legal proceedings will be taken against them in due course. Of my other traducers the chief culprit, who practically set the ball in motion, was the Civil and Military Gazette of Lahore. Almost every thing that appeared in the English Press against me was based upon the false and mischievous statements circulated by this paper. A suit has been filed against this paper also and is at the present moment pending in the High Court at Calcutta.