Latin Grammar Papers, Selected and Arranged

ISBN: 9781330295144 出版年:2016 页码:121 A C Liddell Forgotten Books


These papers are intended for middle forms, to be done either in writing or vied woe. The questions in 1 — 31 are on accidence only, and follow the usual arrangement of Latin grammars; those in 32 — 42 are for the most part taken from or modelled on recent Oxford or Cambridge Junior Local papers; 43 — 49 from the same, Senior papers; 50 — 57 from London matriculation examinations. From 58 to the end the questions are mainly though not entirely on syntax. At the end of each paper are given some sentences for translation into Latin, each either illustrating some idiom or containing some simple catch. It is hoped that the index Will be useful in enabling a teacher to put his finger at once on the particular sort of question required, Without the necessity of hunting through the book.

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