In view of the fact that our preconceived ideas must necos sarily form the starting point in every train of thought, and that these preconceived ideas are very intimately bound up with the Newtonian mechanics, it seems advisable to begin the present report with an explanation of the reasons which are believed to compel the abandonment of this system. In the present chapter these reasons are discussed in a purely physical way, without mathematical analysis and therefore, of course, without rigorous proof. In Chapters 11. And III., which are largely mathematical, an account is given of the analysis which is needed to work out the physical ideas discussed in the first chapter. The report is so arranged that the mathematical parts of Chapters II. And III. May conveniently be omitted by those readers whose interest centres mainly in physical ideas rather than in abstract reasoning. The contents of the sub sequent chapters have been alre ady explained and are sufficiently indicated by their titles.