The Geology of Littleton, New Hampshire

ISBN: 9781330165409 出版年:2016 页码:43 Charles Henry Hitchcock Forgotten Books


Between these two valleys the land is mountainous the whole length of the township. A gap near the village separates the mass into two sections. That to the south is the Blueberry Mountain; that to the north occupies the width nearly of the whole township, and the names upon the old county map are for the western line, — Wheeler Hill, Palmer Hill, Morse Hill, and Mount Misery. This map gives only Mann's Hill upon the east ern side, to which should be added Palmer Hill. Mr. Gile's map combines Mann's Hill and Morse Hill into Black Mountains, with a course somewhat north of west, and attaining the altitude of 2000 feet above tide water. The other mountains named reach, in many cases, the altitude of 1900 feet. The mountains in the northern section constituted a broad plateau originally, from which the drainage now flows in every direction.

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