----- 费巴尔之子的布兰之旅,生活之地:爱尔兰古老的传奇
The ms. Which comes next in importance I designate B. It is contained on pp. 57-61 of the vellum quarto classed Betham 145, belonging to the Royal Irish Academy. I am indebted to Mr. P. M. Macsweeney for a most accurate transcript of this ms. When I had an Opportunity of com paring his copy with the original, I found hardly any dis crepancies between the two. B was written in the fifteenth century, I think, by a scribe named Tornae, who, though he tells us in a marginal note1 that he had not for a long time had any practice in writing, did his task remarkably well. He modernises a good deal in spelling, but generally leaves the old-irish forms intact. Thus we owe to him the preservation of such original forms as the genitives fine (lat/w (8. Glam (3. Etc.