T lie difiiculties, t/ien, bot/i p/iysical and moral, w/iic/i face t/ie enquirer are rat/ier exceptional; but tliey are suc/i as tact and patience will mitigate, if not conquer. 1 liave briefly indicated in tke text liow muck remains to be done in Upper Egypt in Me way of exploring and describing t/ie early C/iristian c/curc/ies t/iere and flu very incompleteness of t/iis work proves liow muc/i is still lacking to an adequate treatise on Coptic rites and ceremonies. Nor is t/iere less scope for tbc kistorian Man for Me antiquarian and Me ecclesiologist for Me liistory of C liristian Egypt is still unwritten, or at least t/iat part of it about wkick t/ie most romantic interest gat/iers, t/ie.