Trade as a Science

ISBN: 9781330042083 出版年:2016 页码:183 Ernest J P Benn Forgotten Books


What is to be the future of British Trade after the War? The question is often asked, and by many with a note of anxiety in their tone. For it is realised by the great majority of thoughtful people that as soon as peace is declared and the war of big guns and massed millions closes, another kind of warfare will begin, in which our principal enemy will still be Germany.In the days before 1914 we used to talk of a friendly rivalry of international commerce, in which each competitor wished the other well and rejoiced in his steadily increasing prosperity. It is to be feared that there was a good deal of conscious or unconscious self-deception in those smooth phrases, and no Briton, at any rate, is likely to be under any misapprehension now as to the real purposes of German industrial organisation and enterprise before the war. It was to knock Great Britain out of the world market and take her place.

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